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Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011 - 14:48

Fell asleep - well, fell asleep for a while last night, then went to bed officially but couldn't get to sleep, so I started watching a 53-minute video of a Buddhist monk talking about forgiveness, but I fell asleep. I think I'm doing okay.

5K this morning, ran the whole thing and got 24:48 - fastest 5K since probably before I got sick, so like, fastest 5K in two years, probably.

Ankle is okay - I've got a PT appointment on Tuesday afternoon, which means it will probably stop hurting entirely before then, because it's a jerk like that.

Went to the record store, immediately found two of the records on my list: Nashville Skyline, and the Ramones End of the Century. Nashville Skyline, dude, can't believe I've never owned it on vinyl. I love everything about it.

At the coffee shop now, actually connected to the Jiffy Lube network across the street because the internet disappeared from here for no reason. Although the fancy phone is nice, I still prefer internetting with my giant laptop.

After this I'm going to the store where they sell these tortilla chips - I mean, they make the chips, and they are the best chips in town. The store is across town but it is worth the trip. (Knowing about these chips is a privilege you can gain only after having lived here at least one decade.) I'll also buy provisions for chili, and then I'll go home and make chili, and then eat it and watch a movie. I got a beer from the race this morning and that will probably be drunk.

I hate listening to people, especially if they're laughing, grr.

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