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Friday, Oct. 07, 2011 - 19:34

We were in a room - I said, "It smells like a diaper." My friend agreed. Later, I said it again to another friend, who also agreed.

We had to vacate the room tonight, so we were moving boxes into a different room, a non-diapery room. But - others helped, and then I smelled the diaper smell again. Had it stuck to their clothes? Or - one lady, nearest to me when I smelled the diaper again - perhaps she'd crapped her pants. Perhaps she was wearing a diaper, had pooped in it, and didn't have a spare. Perhaps it was some other scenario.

But what I'm wondering now is, was I being insensitive by noticing, disliking, and commenting on the diaper smell? I realize medical problems can't be helped, and the failings of the human body can be quite devastating to the inhabiter of that body - and I've now had two shitty years healthwise to gain a little empathy, and dude, I've done that - but it smelled like a diaper, and I had no reason to think someone might actually be wearing a diaper - and if it smells bad, can't I comment to a friend about something we are mutually experiencing?

What I mean is, I feel really bad, because diaper-lady may have heard me say that it smelled like a diaper, and she's probably at home right now crying on her toilet.

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