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Thursday, Sept. 01, 2011 - 19:48

My desk job infuriates me, really - it fills me with rage and fury all the time. It's never been a job that I particularly liked so my morale has always been rather low, but it lowered to about 0 last fall, and then was about -50 this spring, and then rose to about -10 this summer, but now it's back down to -50, maybe even lower. I am filled with rage and fury. I sent my old boss a text message last night saying, "Wah! I miss you!" and then I went out and got drunk. I felt much better after that, until I got to work again today, and I went back downhill. My old boss sent me a big long email today which made me all teary.

I am at the coffee shop. I still do not have internet at home, which is no longer a good thing and is no longer a neutral thing but is now a negative thing which hinders my productivity.

I am still not officially added as an instructor of the course I'm teaching, which also hinders productivity. I wrote to tech support and got them to add an online electronic course supplement for me, even though I'm not listed as the instructor, so tonight I'm supposed to be figuring out how to upload files to that (after I finish modifying the files, of course).

On Monday, the first day of classes, I was fucking exhausted, and went to bed around 9, and one of my coworkers called me and there was a stupid fucking emergency and I had to go in to the office for an hour to deal with it, even though it's not my fucking job. I was there until fucking 10:30, and today I found out I don't get fucking overtime or comp time for it. Next time I will not answer the fucking phone.

However, it has been lovely/mind-boggling getting reacquainted with that person I hadn't seen in seven years. I'm not sure what's going to happen with that. Not trying to push it - not sure he's all that good for me - but I have structured my life rather rigidly these past few years, and maybe some chaos is a good thing.

Oh, it's 8:00 now.

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