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Sometimes there are no words. Sometimes there are.
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 - 20:23

Baby ducks have tiny duck bills. I was telling this to Kevin today. He said, of course they do, did you think they had snouts? I said, no, but, they're cute. They ARE cute. They're adorable. Yes I knew that baby ducks had baby duck bills but I'd never really looked at a baby duck for an extended period of time until yesterday, when I was stricken by the cuteness of their TINY BABY DUCK BILLS.

It is hard to think of things to write other than myself and my dramas when I'd just like to talk about how fun and good things are with my friend the cute boy and I'd like to overanalyze that thank you very much and make ominous predictions that tomorrow it will all change and become awkward and poopy again but oh how fun today was and yesterday and the day before that and I would copy some lines from one of our gmail chats or tell you about... you'll just have to believe me when I tell you how fun things have been.

However I've decided that for an entire week I won't write about myself. This is a challenge, a Kelsiless week. Maybe half a week. Starting tonight at midnight.


1. Three shows in a row, starting tomorrow. Could have gone to Elbow last night and one tonight as well. I declined. I need to sleep.

2. Storage units have been looked at and a location selected. Moving in will commence in about two weeks.

3. If I hadn't decided to move out I would have had to anyway as the landlords were going to kick me out in a couple months, oh the irony.

4. I feel like my life is like a movie now this week, in ways I can't even begin to describe. But here is one illustration: I leave my house this morning early enough to be able to walk to the bus stop (usually I run). It is spring and IT SMELLS DELICIOUS OUTSIDE so I decide to walk to a bus stop a block farther a way, leisurely, enjoying the elements and ruminating on my suddenly freakishly cinematic life. And I near the bus stop and the bus swooshes by. Is it my bus? I run. Yes, it's my bus. Maybe I can catch it at the light at the next stop. I run. The bus is stopped. I run. The light is green, the bus is stopped, people are getting on, the light's green, it's going to change, the bus is stopped, the light is green. The people have entered, the bus leaves. The light changes to yellow and red. The bus is gone. I have to wait twenty-five minutes for the next bus.

5. I might be in a bit of a daze after the weirdness of the weekend. It's all hard to process. Hence the upcoming Kelsiless week, the week of No Kelsi.

6. Goddamn Yahoo search is bringing up my diary for Angelina Johnson again. NO! There is no Angelina Johnson here and there never was! If you came here looking for Angelina Johnson GO AWAY, she is NOT HERE.

7. Oh yes with the shellshock I'm experiencing: I'm going to put on my flannel pajamas and read a book right now, I can't do anything else.

8. I wish I had my hair back, I have a giant helmet now, a giant round helmet. Ponytail, please, return.

9. I have a P.O. box and this makes me feel so hilariously adult and I walk around downtown Seattle feeling very important with my very adult Post Office box key. I always forget to check it though. I've checked it once. I had no mail.

10. Metro, bastards, I'm going to write you a letter because of your stinking lying schedule for the 16! That bastard bus never comes and you will hear from me about it.

11. Baby ducks.

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