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Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2006 - I write, I worry, I run, I work, I'm thirsty.
Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2006 - 21:24

The spot on my neck might be a zit or it might be a spider bite. OR it might be a vampire bite, it's right at the Dracula spot. Vampires! In Seattle!

I jogged tonight.

Our hour cap at work was raised to 70 hours this week and I think, gee, that would be nice money. But blah. I left at 5 today to go shopping. I failed at the shopping, I'm a terrible shopper. I thought, eh, I'll go in early tomorrow. But how can I do that when I can't get out of bed in the morning because of my bastard bed who has increased her comfortableness factor by leaps and bounds in the last week? HOW? And I can't stay late tomorrow because I have an acupuncture appointment and then a show to go to. And then Friday I'll be tired from said show and it's Friday anyway and I want to go out for drinks. And Saturday, jesus, man, I worked last weekend, I have shit to do. I'm going to Costa Rica and have to buy things for it. And I'm a terrible shopper, so this will take time.

Tomorrow night I'm going to see the Cloud Room. Remember last time? It was the stinkiest show, my clothes have never smelled that bad, I had to wash them twice. But now there's no smoking inside! So we will see: was it the smoking, or is the Cloud Room a stinky stinky band?

I owe them $3. I hope they've forgotten.

I'm thirsty. There's a run around Green Lake on Sunday! I might do that! So again, can't work Sunday, shucks.

Still worried about my friend the boy. Still worried.

So now I'll drink some water and then to bed. Where I will worry some more. And dream. And then I'll have to get up.

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