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Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005 - 18:32

Agggghhh, everyone updated while I was away and I've just decided not to read the updates right now because there is no time.

I have moved and am at my new place in a dark red room at a big old wooden desk that appears to have been the victim of an aborted refinishing job but I think I like it much better halfway unfinished than I would refinished. It is large and holds all my office crap as well as my typewriter and computer. Hooray.

And my new housemate feeds me. He made tomato soup today and we're having it for dinner in fifteen minutes.

Last night he was playing my guitar because it's a classical and he only has steel string but he likes the way classicals sound so he was playing and singing and I was just sitting there listening. And then he was playing the piano because my green piano bench is there now and I was just sitting there listening. It was TOTALLY RAD.

I was so stinky but of course the problem when you move is that you then have to unpack before you can live again. I couldn't take a shower because I couldn't find my bathroom stuff. But then I did. And then I went to sleep and I was so sound asleep because I was really tired.

Then our old friend the cute boy called me at 1 a.m. as is his wont. We spoke for a while, he was depressed and/or downtrodden, but I was giddy and/or delirious. It's okay, I made him laugh. Anyway, apparently we are meeting up later on tonight but we all know how that goes and also I swear if he doesn't do some talking that's it, it's all hanging by a thread.

I will read all the updates later, I didn't mean to sound like a jerk.

I am hungry!

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