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More things
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 - 22:42

1. Buster the Cat still has fleas. Again. Again after the small-cat dose of anti-flea stuff he got. Again. And obviously I'm thinking the house is infested as well. And again, my roommate's just left for a week and a half. This isn't my fucking cat, I don't know why my roommates can't manage their own fucking pets and their fucking pets's flea problems. I will have to go get some flea stuff for big cats, because Buster the Cat is a big fucking cat, I don't care if you don't like chemicals, I don't like flea bites all over my motherfucking body! Fuck!

2. Recently a fortune cookie told me I'd get an unexpected phone call. I got it tonight, but it wasn't from the person I was expecting it to be from. Last week my horoscope told me to hang my head out the window like a dog, but I didn't. And then this week it said to go crazy, as in insane crazy.

3. Last night I took some pictures and here is a very important equation: my Argus + Fuji film + Bartells 1 hour photo finishing = the best pictures ever.

4. Taking the best pictures ever stresses me out. I should do something with them, people should see them, but how the fuck do I go about this? I'm not an artist, what am I supposed to do? How do I get people to see my pictures? They're really good, they need to be seen.

5. I'm listening to the new Kinski album. Today after work I went to the record store and there were so many things I had to buy! Mirah and Kinski and Black Mountain and Ralph Stanley (that's for my dad, after I listen to it) and Stars. I still need to get: Willie Nelson (new this week!), White Stripes, and Sleater-Kinney.

6. Last night I was listening to Britney Spears.

7. I bit off all my left-hand fingernails today.

8. I keep feeling things crawling all over my body. Maybe I am going insane crazy like my horoscope said I should. Motherfucking fleas! Motherfucking fucking fucking stupid goddamnit!

9. Motherfucker, I swear.

10. I walked around tonight. All over Ballard tonight there are all these punks, as in leather, black, chains, mohawks. And I couldn't tell if they were part of the punk underground that's been around all along and they were just out in force to see a band, or if "punk" like that is now the cool new thing. Because I've seen quite a few mohawks recently, suddenly.

11. Also out in force were the Harry Potterites, lined up and dressed up, jumping around and screeching. And as soon as midnight rolls around they'll get their copy of the book and then they'll each go silently back to their rooms and read for the weekend, alone, in a corner.

12. I've never gone to a midnight CD release sale. It's probably something that you always remember. Maybe I should go back and line up with the Harry Potterites. Except they've probably all reserved their copies, and I haven't.


14. I have a Polaroid hanging up at my desk at work that I took July 15, 2004. On July 15, 2004, I was camping by myself and I took some lovely pictures. I had it scanned and I just looked for it on my computer, I swear it has to be here somewhere, but I can't find it at all. I'll look more, if I do find it I'll post it tomorrow maybe.

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