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silly, stupid, and ultimately airy fluff for the shallow (me)
Thursday, Jul. 07, 2005 - 21:07

Something happened to my face! I think I got a mosquito bite right under my eye, except it hurts and doesn't itch. It could be a flea bite too, as I seem to be getting those all over, to wit: my hand, my ribcage, my right bun, my left thigh, and both ankles and feet.

Of course you're thinking that perhaps I'm the one with fleas and I'm spreading them to all the cats I live with. That's not true at all though, I'm so sure.

It doesn't help that my roommate got flea medication for cats 9 pounds and under, and Buster the Cat, even though he's missing a leg, certainly isn't 9 pounds or under.

What will I look like tomorrow! Everyone will think it's a boingtoingous zit!

And in completely unrelated news, I am now 89% certain (margin of error � 11%) that the cute boy at work has a girlfriend. Also, he smokes! However, he doesn't smoke very much. I just can't figure out why HE was the one to start ignoring ME first. Why? What's his problem? I don't know, and unfortunately I think my little crush is almost at an end. I mean, how stupid is it, he's sat there for over a month and we still never talk to each other. All it is is LAME.

I started a story today called The Fairweather Friends of Myrtle B. Johnson. It's the first creative thing I've done in like three months. Her best friend's name is Taffy Black.

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