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And then I came home and had pizza, and I listened to that sexy sexy song a couple more times. Here is the formal announcement re: my upcoming world tour.
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 - 18:54

Sexy Song of the Week: Spoon, I Turn My Camera On   I don't know if this is supposed to be sexy or not because I don't know what the words are but I think it is supposed to be. You can listen to it at their website and even download the mp3! (It's on the Bonus page.) Just listen to that bass line, rhythm section, yay guitar, that's what I was tapping my feet to while I was waiting for the bus this afternoon. Speaking of Prince, I never thought he was sexy, just small and purple, and a few weeks ago I was in a record store and I saw a used record of his and he was totally nudie!!! And if he'd been the heroine in a crotch novel he would have been described thusly: He was tiny, yet perfectly formed.

Now back to me:

So there's this job at UW that I saw and thought about applying for, I told people about it, I told YOU about it, I imagined the bus ride in the mornings, I updated my resume and procrastinated on writing a cover letter. Sounds good so far, right?

Well, I'm not going to apply for it. You might accuse me of being a weenie and getting complacent and comfortable in my otherwise unbearable clerk job, but I don't think it's that.

Then you might accuse me of being fickle and coy and changing my mind about my job just because a cute boy sits by me now. But that's not it either.

I follow my intuition. True, my intuition has failed me completely and disastrously in two different situations in the last two years (or, perhaps, depending on how things turn out, only once), so maybe my "intuition" doesn't exist and is just the way I justify doing irrational, stupid, or lazy things.

But still, life is a journey, I'm on a journey somewhere, I'm going somewhere, and right now I'm on a bridge that connects two Big Things. Short bridge, long bridge, I don't know, and I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where the bridge lets off. It's foggy, and there are a few different directions I can head off in once I get there.

But I'm not there yet, and I don't have to decide yet.

And I just feel like I should stay at this job a little longer, until something Right happens.

And I hate metaphors! I even hate the word metaphor and how it's spelled! But the bridge thing was in my horoscope a couple weeks ago and it's totally true so I just went with it!

My bridge looks like the Golden Gate Bridge.

I'm going back to Australia in January or February or December! On a freighter, woohoo! Take that, fuckheaded stupidness! Yeah you heard me.

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