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Poettes, three, and nothing else.
Sunday, Apr. 10, 2005 - 14:45

I owe you seven poems, for April 4-10. Since I can't write poetry, and since I don't want you thinking I'm making fun of the whole genre, I've decided to call mine poettes. Also mine are usually short, because, if I got going any more than I do, it would just be......

I'm really tired because Friday I went to a rock and roll concert and Saturday I went to a rock and roll concert and this morning I had to get up to go to brunch and I'm just tired. So I don't have anything more to say.

Some poettes:

On The Bus
Man: you looked nice, but
rumbly burps and ADD elbows,
I'm not sitting next to you again.

My soft hands
useless and brittle
the only pushing they do
paper and keys
My arms
small and white
seen neither sun nor shovel in months
Someone else can hold the world now
I'm so tired, so hungry
I worked so hard today.

4/7 again
I want to be tiny,
Squint-to-see-me tiny.
I want to be tiny.
Tinier than you.
But tall.
Tiny and tall, towering over you.
But tinier than you.
And strong.
Powerful, with muscles.
But tiny.
Tiny and tall and strong.
And big boobs.
Tiny and tall and strong with boobs.
And no hair, except for the hair on my head.
And eyebrows and eyelashes.
Thick hair, thin eyebrows, thick eyelashes long and black.
And red lips.
And blinding white teeth.
And glossy pink toenails.
But mostly, tiny.
Tinier than you,
In my tiny pants that are too big.

That's three. I wrote another one, but it's part of something else. I'll make a new entry for it. I don't necessarily want to type, but typing is easy and it's already written so it'll be okay. I don't usually write out entries first, I usually just go to the new entry page and start typing away. Anyway, I'd normally use some all caps here but I'm too tired to do that. And the longer I make this the less chance there is of anyone reading it, because long boring crap is long boring crap and no one wants to read it. So I will end here, for now, but I will type again immediately. But you probably will read that one first, and then you probably won't come to this entry because it'll be hidden behind that other one, but, just so you know, that other one doesn't even exist yet, and this one does. This is the only one that does.

I need to go to the store. I'm not going to take a nap today because I'm going to go to bed early. I know everyone wanted to know that.

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