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Have some pasta honey child, I don't have a home.
Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2005 - 18:34

Last night I came home and ignored you, computer! And it was great.

Stephen King made me mad the other day - I'm reading On Writing - and he was talking about grammar, and he's pretty good about it and stuff, but then he starts talking about the things he doesn't like. He says to never use the passive tense. . Passive is not a tense. True, he does call it "passive voice" more times than he calls it "passive tense", but. He says that if you use the passive tense, you are a weak and passive person, and you're afraid of letting your subjects do stuff.


And then he says you should never use adverbs, and he uses a lot of adverbs when he's saying that.


How come .... no, never mind, I'm not even going to address it. Just, geez I wish people would shut up about "grammar" or at least admit it's just arbitrary stylistic rules based on their own personal pretentious preferences. Also, Intro to Linguistics is the most interesting class you'll ever take. Everyone, go enroll in it now!

Mr. Annoying at work rode down on the elevator with me in the morning and I have to admit that I was a bitch. Because I wasn't all friendly and I knew I was supposed to be. But I am a person of very few words and I'm not going to try to force myself to talk to someone who's expecting me to talk to him when I don't want to and when I wouldn't with anyone else anyway unless it was someone I wanted to talk to.

Also, I was copying (because that's what I've been doing the last TWO WEEKS) and some guy came in and looked in the refrigerator and sighed and groaned and looked at me to see if I was looking at him and he sighed some more and he paced around and he put something in the microwave and he paced and loudly sighed and I was supposed to say, "Gee, rough day huh?" and he would answer appropriately and we would share a laugh but I didn't do that because I hate people sighing at me. If they have something they want to say, they should just say it and not try to get me to pry it out of them, because I refuse to do that. Don't act coy with me because it won't work!

IN OTHER NEWS, April is National Poetry Month and I've decided that I'm going to celebrate it by writing a poem every day. Maybe every other day. Maybe once a week. I don't write poetry, I hate writing it, I'm terrible, but I'm going to anyway, just to celebrate the month. This month is Women's History Month, last month was Black History Month, and May, of course, is National Masturbation Month. This May, I'm sure, won't be as exciting or as funny as last May, but what the hell, I might as well give up boys again this year, even though this spring has certainly not been as boyarific as last spring. It's just been boyannoyarific.

Progress is being made on certain fronts and I refuse to address those fronts out of spite. I'm sorry, I'm just really feisty in a bad way right now, a.k.a. cranky.

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