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10 things, only one of which will be of any interest to you
Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005 - 15:40

1. Exciting Writing Contest update: I have the prizes figured out, but not the contest itself, and since the prizes will be so fabulous it's got to be a good idea to write about or else I'll be mad and cheated. Also, my idea about the prizes is a good one, but it's going to take a while to do. Years, maybe. Or weeks, we'll see.

2. I unpacked my bedroom and rearranged and stuff! My bedroom is all done! Also, all of my boxes (except one for donation) are out of the living room! But my computer is still sitting on the floor in the guest room, and there are piles of things in the basement.

3. I had a dream one of my friends from high school got shot and green stuff splattered all over.

4. I had a dream I'd forgotten a bunch of stuff at the House of Crazy.

5. I might not be able to pay my rent this week.

6. I came face-to-face with artistic mediocrity two times on Friday. It was shocking. Just because you're doing something doesn't mean it's good. And I'm not prone to fawning or false flattery, so don't expect compliments from me. And. Well. Mediocrity puts itself out there, self-promotes, and people force themselves to enjoy it because at least they're doing something, maybe, and then there's the real artists sitting in their little rooms by themselves and we don't find out about them until they're dead. Or we never find out about them. Arghh. Or we do, but most people don't, and they don't get the recognition, praise, or money they deserve. Pop culture you bitch!

7. Blah, what, is my entire life now only going to happen on the weekend? Having a job sucks, man. Why can't I get one that only has me working a few days a week, but still getting a huge paycheck?

8. I'm tired, maybe I'll make some tea or hot chocolate and go get in bed and read. Maybe I'll think about stuff to tell you, maybe I'll write again tonight. I could have this yerba mate stuff, mint? or lemon? I forget which, they're in packets. I think I'll do that. Or hot chocolate. CHOCOLATE. Or I could eat chocolate and drink yerba mate. The possibilities are endless.

9. It's hard to think of things to say when you're sitting on a cold floor and there's dog hair all over your keyboard.

10. It's almost March! And the year just started! WHERE has the time gone? And guess what, March will be awesome, it will be the best ever month, just you wait.

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