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On Australia, monkeys, politics, and.... if you're going to own a copy of Disintegration, it should be vinyl. Really.
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004 - 12:29

I left for the weekend and so only got back into the loop this morning, when I was chagrined to hear that John Howard is still Australia's PM. I don't know anything about politics in Australia, I don't know anything about Howard's opponents, I don't know anything about any of the issues that were being discussed. All I know is that, from what I saw last year, the war was a very unpopular thing among Australian citizens, much more unpopular than it was in the U.S., and most people I talked to were angry at John Howard for getting them involved in it. But he won quite handily, nevertheless.

I think going to war - war - for dubious reasons is such a big issue, such an egregious error, that it supersedes pretty much all other issues, that the person at the top should be held accountable and shouldn't be able to keep his job.

However, to be fair, I don't know anything about Australian politics, and also Howard, unlike his friend George, didn't start the war, he just went along with it. So, ehh, maybe it's not entirely something to be angry about.

But what do I know.

Here's what I do know: I'm not going to base my vote on fear. So ha ha on you, fear mongers, and on you, Fox News ticker, despite your constant reminder that the Terror Alert Status is Elevated, I'm not going to vote for anyone because I'm afraid of something. It was three years, one month, and one day ago that I wrote in here: I'm not afraid, so fuck you.

(Plus, even if I were afraid, and even if I decided to base my vote on that fear, my vote would still be the same.)

Here are things I'm almost angry about:
1. that George W started a war for reasons that weren't right
2. that many people don't seem to think that's a bad thing
3. that my vote won't count because I live in a conservative state
4. that I don't know anything about the electoral college but it seems to be something that I should know about since that's the thing fucking me over
5. CD bonus tracks
6. that the environment has gotten very little discussion during this campaign, and George W has the worst environmental record of any monkey to have ever been president
7. that I can never remember jokes

That's all. I'm bored of always writing about politics, but goddammit!

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