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crack, bye June
Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2004 - 20:46

This morning, for the first time in eons, I was still asleep when my alarm went off! I hadn't woken up all night! Wow!

Today at work the new boss guy told the real boss guy to fuck off. The new boss guy isn't the new boss guy anymore.

We're building playground equipment, did I tell you? Yeah, I got a job landscaping, but we've been doing construction, and now we're building playground equipment. It's interesting, I suppose, and good experience for me (write what you know, they say), but here's the best thing about it: muscles. Yeah, muscles on me. My arms and hands and fingers are much stronger than they traditionally have been. And I think it's good for my hands. They've sort of stopped hurting as much as they were, although they still sort of hurt, but now I think it's like muscle aches rather than tendonitis pangs or carpal tunnelings. So that's swell.

I'm looking forward to this weekend so much, I can't even tell you. I don't even know why, but I'm super excited. But for some weirdass reason, my town is celebrating the Fourth of July on the third. Parade and fireworks and stuff at the beach. I think it's crazy. Apparently, though, the churches were all mad about the Fourth being on a Sunday and said that no one would go to church, they'd all go to the parade.

I went swimming again today. I wasn't going to take the dog along because he got into a canine scuffle yesterday, but he looked at me, tail-waggedly excited, so what else could I do?

It's Modest Mouse time again.

There've been huge crazy thunderstorms the last couple weeks, hot blue clouds, little storms at various places around the sky, lightning and thunder and rains. It's fantastic. Holy crap, there's a huge one coming right now, I have to go.

I love my hometown, did you know that? I love it.

And tonight Howard Zinn says: True, fascism was not to be tolerated by decent people. But neither was racism or colonialism or slave labor camps -- one or another of which was a characteristic of all of the Allied powers. And granted, fascism was worse, admitting of no opening for change. But was war the answer? Was the only way to deal with fascism to engage in a bloodbath which left forty million people dead?

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