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Thursday, May. 20, 2004 - 20:40

I'm about to fall into bed but here's an update first.

I went to Denver and saw a tornado. I got back last night. My grandma is 90 years old and she's very cute and sweet. My dad got teary-eyed saying goodbye to her, because, maybe, he won't ever see her again. Who knows.

I saw good old Friend #2 (or was she #1? I can't remember) from way back when, who I hadn't seen in a year. She and her husband moved to Denver and bought a house and she's quit school like me (even though she was much further into it, working on her Ph.D.) and she's pregnant now. It was really nice to see her. Yay.

So I got back last night and woke up this morning at 3, and then 4, and then 5, and then I got up at 6.

I work with three boys and if you'd asked me about them yesterday I would have just told you that they're all really dumb and uneducated, with the slight exception, perhaps, of one, who seems a tad more intelligent than the other two. I would have said that, of course, because I am a snob and I rush to judgment and I put people into boxes even though I hate when people put me into a box and even though I hate when people put other people into boxes.

But if you were to ask me about them today I'd tell you that they're nice guys. I like them.

It will be an interesting summer.

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