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If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one, hit me
Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004 - 23:21

I was just watching Rockzilla. I saw some very good videos. One of the videos I saw had Chris Cornell and His New Band driving around being bad, making cops wreck and die. Apparently Chris was driving like this because they were listening to their song on the radio and it made him feel belligerent. (I'm just guessing, because I missed the beginning of the video and that might have explained why they were being so bad.) They drove through the desert and then stopped to give a concert, and then they got back in the car and they blew up and, presumably, died.

Then I saw a video by Incubus that had a very scary girl in it. She hated mornings, she really hated them. They made her scream really loud. So she went around screaming and everyone hated it and they disappeared. You should see this video. It's set in Sydney. The skyline, the little green guy that tells you when you can cross the street, it's all Sydney.

(I heard a poem while I was in Australia, and it went "and the little green man says go. So I go." something like that. It was a good poem.)

Then I saw a video about snowboarding and the lyrics said that it was like suffocating, and that the pain was going down there, or something. I think they meant that snowboarding hurts your butt. It does, I can attest to that.

Those are the videos I saw while I was folding my laundry. While I was folding my laundry watching videos, I thought about how I can't stand listening to Pearl Jam right now. I go through phases, and this is not a Pearl Jam phase at all.

Well, I've been listening to Lost Dogs the past couple nights, but that's all. Live Pearl Jam, forget it, I can't stand that right now.

This phase will end and I'll start listening to them again, don't worry.

But right now I'm in a New Music phase. I'm listening to Jay-Z right now, 99 Problems, and you can download it here.

I downloaded lots of stuff today, like from K Records and from Saguaro Records (get the Ant Savage song!). If you like Yo La Tengo (and who doesn't?) you can download some of their songs here. I already told you about the Triple J Unearthed mp3s, so of course you'll all have already downloaded stuff from there. I've also downloaded some Sonic Youth, but I think it was from a top secret site that you only have access to if you stick your Murray Street cd in your computer.

Finding new music is fun! Downloading is fun! Except when you have a damn modem.

Now I'm going to bed, because I have to work tomorrow, pissfuck.

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