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I ate parts of a chocolate frog today; I saw a flattened duck on the road; I saw a bobcat! or maybe a lynx on the way home! It was cute.
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 - 15:02

There's a girl at work who I don't get along with, we don't like each other, but sometimes it's like she's trying to make me like her or something, like she's kissing up to me. Today she gave me some chocolate. I was distrustful. She won't succeed in making me like her with chocolate. I don't want to like her. And besides, she doesn't even like me, so why should she try to make me like her?

She's very young - she's 18 - and she's very self-centered. Self-centered, as all 18 year olds should be, I guess.

She's also very full of herself.

She sings all the time and never shuts up.

I got home early today (it's 3:00!) because there wasn't anything much to do. It's snowing heartily now.

Oh! My God! Ronald McDonald was up there today. I never had a "thing" about clowns, but now I think I do, all because of this freaky Ronald McDonald. He had a freaky white face and big red mouth and he was talking. It was creepy. He was standing on the steps by this building, just standing there talking and being creepy.

I wonder if they're going to put a McDonald's up on the hill. They probably will. They're lame and money-hungry like that.

I think I'll go to the library right now.

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