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Saturday = Tuesday
Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 - 18:32

My Gold membership is running out and I have to decide whether to get another Gold membership or to get a Supergold membership or to get nothing.

Supergold is actually kind of expensive, and would I ever use the comment thing and the webmail?

But the comments might be fun, and I don't have an anonymous email account because I'm lame, so that would be nice to have. Plus, the whole "super" thing about Supergold is super.

But it costs like a whole day of work! No, more than a whole day!

That sucks. I need a new job.

I don't need a new job, I need an additional job.

I'm going snowboarding again next week. It took my butt longer than necessary to recover from the last time. Hopefully this time will be less painful.

My favorite band in the world is now Sonyless and if you order their new single (available for the next 13 days), you'll get the CD in a case (well, obviously), but the neat/weird thing is that there's no copyright stuff on it, no year, no nothing, just the name of the band and the name of the song, not even a bar code. There are a total of fifteen words on the case. So, if you're interested in supporting a band trying to put out its own music without going through a major label/distributor, go buy it. Also, it's a pretty good song. Also, it's my favorite band in the world. Also, the cover is blue, which is my favorite color. All of these are reasons for you to run out and buy it.

Also, my life has been full of mp3s lately thanks to a very generous Christmas present, and so I've been playing around with iTunes, and I was listening to internet radio one night recently and I found this station and it was rad and it's just a girl doing it, so if you want, go listen to it and support her endeavor. While I was listening, songs by Bob Dylan, Jeff Buckley, Death Cab For Cutie, Bright Eyes, and Pearl Jam played. And others, like Blondie. You can request songs. It's rad. Le Tigre is playing right now.

The end.

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