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Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 - 15:10

Everyone will be pleased to learn that my finger is no longer in danger of falling off, I think. It's not as bruised today and it's not numb.

On the nose front, I think I'm developing a sinus problem in my left sinus. This is interesting because I've never even had a sinus infection before, and also whenever anything nosey happens with me it involves the right side. But now there's this whatever going on on the other side.

And in hygiene news, I've recently started taking showers in the morning before work. This is a practice that probably 93% of people engage in, but I never have because I thought my hair was too poofy. I always liked to wash it at night and then let it unpoof itself overnight. And also I take way too long in the shower. And also I've never been a morning person so I'd rather stay up an hour later to avoid having to get up 20 minutes earlier. Kapish? But I've taken a few showers in the morning recently and I've found that: 1. My hair is not poofy at all! and 2. It doesn't take all that long! What an amazing world we live in.

I have the next two days off! I might go snowboarding! Or I might go skiing. The only time I've ever snowboarded, it was really horrible. I fell about 3,500 times. I'd go two feet and then fall. It sucked. But hmm, maybe I'll go anyway.

It is a lovely lovely day today.

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