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Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2003 - 09:37

This is, what, like the fourth entry for today? I've lost count.

My hair is long enough to braid now. It hasn't been this long since I cut it off last December. If I had some hair-cutting scissors I'd cut it off again because it's all annoying. I trimmed it before I left and I thought I got it short enough, but I forgot about the whole growing thing that happens with hair. Annoying.

Here are some other random things I've been meaning to type:

hard brown bean-looking things that, when you kick them whilst walking down the sidewalk, sound like something you shouldn't be kicking, porcelain or glass

I feel like playing bingo. I love bingo. How come I never play bingo?

shredded carrots in sandwiches, slices of corn from the cob in salads. Remember that!

I haven't yet met an insecure Australian.

You Australian men and your Speedos. I'm just not digging the look.

The cute thing about Australian toilets is that there's a full flush and a half flush.

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