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Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2003 x 4 - 09:36

I was sitting in a park yesterday (this keyboard is hard to type on) eating a banana and an orange and some cheese and these people came and sat down and opened up their McDonald's bags and all I could think was that I want a Big Mac. (I can't be held responsible for typos here because really, this keyboard is hard to type on.) There I was surrounded by my stupid sensible bags of groceries that will last me a few days and that are much healthier than fast food but that are not so waftingly delicious or immediately satisfying as some salty hot french fries would be. And my stupid bland bottle of water that I fill up from the tap - bleh, I want a Coke and a Big Mac and french fries.

- All this while I am, for the second time, in the middle of Fast Food Nation. I stopped in the middle once before because I got bored and I found it alarmist - even though one of the reviews quoted at the beginning says it's "alarming without being alarmist". I found it alarmist and biased and I really get sick of doomsday prophets. Oh my god the world's going to hell, we're all getting fatter and lazier and our kids are getting stupider, McDonald's is going to suck out our souls, kids thes days, what is the world coming to, blah blah blah etc.

Don't humans have any free will? Can't we accept responsibility for anything we do? I know there's manipulation, clever advertising, and they add stuff to make the food more waftingly delicious, but still, if I decide to get a Big Mac it will be because I've decided to, not because I was tricked into it by Ray Kroc.

I will not get a Big Mac, though. Not because I am on a maid's budget, not because I'm scared of adding to my layer of fat, not because I don't want to support a huge money-hungry global corporation that has led to the demise of countless small restaurants and has turned most towns and cities in the U.S. into bland carbon copies of each other and that gets government subsidies to "train" employees and that adds crap to its waftingly delicious food to make it more enticing and that adds gobs and gobs to the landfills of the world because of all its silly throw-away packaging - not because of those reasons or the countless others that make McDonald's a company I don't want to support. Instead, the real reason I won't get a Big Mac is because I got one in Adelaide in February and the sauce was different and I couldn't finish it because it was yucky.

For some reason this is a topic everyone wants to talk to me about ('everyone' here meaning three people), that McDonald's food tastes the same all around the world. Well maybe it does, all except for the Big Macs in Adelaide.

I suppose I could order something different, like a quarter pounder with cheese. I wish they had In-n-Outs here. Mmm, hamburgers.

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