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I'm in Brisbane again
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2003 - 13:59

My watch says it's Tuesday but this computer thinks it's Wednesday and my email says it's Monday. I'm pretty sure it's Tuesday though.

Yesterday, which I'm pretty sure was Monday, I walked through early-morning Sydney to the train station and got on a train and then I got to Brisbane late last night.

Seven months ago I was typing on this exact same computer. The girl who was smoking me out then is gone now.

Around 8:00 last night as I was lying on my seat in the train listening to music trying to drown out the rambunctious kids in the car, these two girls got on the train and sat across the aisle from me and then they started fighting. I wasn't really paying attention because I was trying to sleep and trying to listen to Sonic Youth and I also just sort of thought the loud noises I heard were the rambunctious kids, but no, it was those two new people right next to me. Anyway, basically, they got in a big fight and for a few minutes I wondered if I was going to get injured in their scuffle since it was happening right across from me. There were shouts of "Get away from me you fat cow!" and "Let me look!" and "You're fucking crazy!" and "Let me have a look!" and "Leave me alone!" and "Give me my numbah!" and the result of all this, after the purse that allegedly contained the numbah was ripped, was that a bunch of railway men came and made the fat cow go to a different car, and then the other girl started crying and telling the men that the fat cow was the only family she had left and that the numbah was some drug-addict guy's number her sister wanted to call and she didn't have the number anyway and her sister has schizophrenia and they were on holiday, which the girl with the purse had paid for, and the fat cow had been giving the purse girl hell the whole time. It was very sad. I felt bad for the purse girl. But then again, she might have been crazy too. I decided not to get involved, so I just sat there. I could have given her a kleenex though, which I thought about doing but didn't do, and I feel bad that I didn't. I think about things like that but never do them.

So the best thing about Brisbane so far is that my bed last night was so comfortable, much more comfortable than my bed in Sydney, and in fact I'm wanting to go get into it right now, but I won't because that's silly.

I'm no longer sick but my head and lungs and ears are full of clouds and it's dumb. Also, I've bit off most of my fingernails, which is strange because usually when I travel I don't bite my fingernails at all. This is all Bizarro again, except that it's Bizarroing back to what it was before it Bizarroed in the first place. (That makes sense to me.)

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