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I am not crazy
Monday, Jul. 28, 2003 - 16:38

Is it crazy to work all day, getting all sweaty, and then coming home and going jogging to the lake, jumping in and swimming around, and then jogging back home, getting resweatified in the process, then taking a shower and collapsing into bed, but not going to sleep until very late, then waking up very early to do it all over again?

I didn't think so.

I am currently in a very lucrative industry. The haul today included..... oh, motherfucker, I just realized that I .... erg, anyway, the haul today included $1.25 Canadian, 38 cents U.S., 10 eggs, half a gallon of milk, blueberries, homemade banana bread, four half-full boxes of cereal, three things of yogurt, a frozen pizza, condiments, a mostly complete loaf of whole grain bread, a peach (which was delicious), chips and salsa (which I gave to smelly Robert), and (this is what I just realized I left at work) a bottle of stuff, some sports drink or something that had a carabiner at the top. Fuck! I left it at work and it'll be gone before tomorrow! I should have just drank it there. Bollocks.

Is it crazy to go to work on your days off just because it's so lucrative and fun?

I didn't think so.

So I'm working tomorrow, and right now I'm going jogging to the lake.

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