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1984 meeting 1 (not a very successful meeting, because no one's done the reading)
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 15:44

Today is Wednesday, and I've decided that Wednesdays will be the day This Diary's Book Club will meet. At least for this week. So let the first book club meeting for 1984 commence.

Me: Okay, who would like to start the discussion?

You: Uh...

badgrammar: The book 1984 scares the crap out of me.

Me: Yeah, me too.

You: Why are we reading this?

Me: Because it's important!

You: Why can't we read something nice and fun?

Me: Because. Okay, so, the posters with "the face of a man of about fourty-five, with a heavy black mustache and ruggedly handsome features" totally make me think of Saddam Hussein.

You: Yeah, me too.

Me: And the Police Patrol helicopter spying on people... you don't hear much about this, but the U.S. government does that too.

You: You're crazy.

Me: No, it's true. A few years ago around my hometown all these people started saying that some black helicopter would like buzz down really close to their houses and look into their windows, spooking their horses and even clipping the tops of their trees. Everyone thought the first people to report this were crazy, of course, but then more and more people saw it. It's part of the War on Drugs.

You: ...

Me: And they also went around digging up people's poppies.

You: ...

Me: Um...

You: ...

Me: You haven't started reading, have you?

You: Um...

Me: I've actually only read two pages.

You: ...

Me: Okay, thanks for coming. We'll meet again next week and discuss more conspiracy theories and we'll get more paranoid!

You: Hooray!

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