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I am a big loser
Wednesday, April 1, 2003 - 18:10

Gahhh! I want to sign two guestbooks right now but the site is down. So I'll have to wait. Hopefully I'll remember what I wanted to say. Of course I will, though, because usually when I sign someone's guestbook it's only after a couple days of thinking about it and figuring out what I want to say. I don't do that all the time, though. Just sometimes.

Ah, Dr. Pepper, the nectar of the gods.

I'm listening to the Tokyo bootleg right now, March 3, I think, and Jesus Mary and Joseph! They opened with Release! And it's so good! On my typewriter you have to type ' and then backspace and then . to get an exclamation point, so it's like a luxury to be able to get one on a computer with one keystroke! But seriously, this bootleg is good! As are all the others!

I have two pieces of pizza in the oven that I already started eating, but they weren't hot all the way through so I had to put them back in. These are leftovers. I don't really like cold pizza, so I heat it up. Usually I use the microwave, but tonight I was all "Aw fuck it dawg, I'm using the oven!"

Two people have said recently that my diary has made them think. Ha ha! Really, I'm laughing right now, especially because in the previous paragraph I actually typed "fuck it dawg".

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