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Escapism... doesn't always work
Monday, March 17, 2003 - 19:00

Internet, take me away.

I don't know what my country is doing, defying the UN in order to attack a country for defying the UN? Really don't think this is a good idea.

I'll support the troops, though, much like going to a pep rally for the basketball team, although I'll be sitting rather than standing and hooting. I'll harbor the deep hope in my heart that they won't die and that they won't kill anyone. I won't spit on them in the streets and call them baby-killers or anything. But I won't support a war.

Please, internet, take me away. I'd much rather jump into you and fly through your network of interesting, vapid crap, immersing myself in things that don't matter, things that don't kill people.

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