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Give peace a chance
Wensday, March 5, 2003 - 15:07

A guy in New York was arrested in a mall for wearing a shirt that said "give peace a chance" that he'd just bought in the same mall.

I don't know if there's anything I can say about this that would adequately express my feelings, other than "fucking retarded".

Today there was a huge antiwar protest here. It was surprising. There were probably 1000 people marching. I didn't think so many people here cared. But there have been marches every week for the past five months downtown. But it was nice to see the students doing it. Even the frat boys and girls. And there were hippies, probably the whole local hippy population...all 10 of them. But it was nice to see them. I miss hippies.

I learned that we're supposed to be wearing pink to protest the war. I also learned that there have been women protesting in Washington D.C. for a long time. I also heard a letter from an 18 year old girl in Iraq who wants to be a dentist.

The world is a great place. But why do people insist on making it a bad place?

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