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Weasely victories
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 21:08

Number of times I've pooped today: 0
Number of longish fingernails I have: 9
Number of uses I have for optional fields in my diary: 0

Yesterday was a good day. Not only did I learn how to ride my bike with no hands, but we also scored two important victories over Mr. Knowitall.

In this entry, I'm going to refer to Mr. Knowitall as Weasel. I'm also going to introduce you to one of my friends from school. I can't think of a name for her, so I'll call her Friend. Friend was the coordinator of the CAT conference. I was the secretary. The Weasel was the dead weight.

So the Weasel didn't do jack shit during the conference. He acted like a participant. He might as well have paid the registration fee. As it was, he went to a free conference and managed to work like an hour the whole weekend. He saw most of the talks, he pigged out on all of the food we'd set up for the real participants, and he schmoozed with everyone the whole time in order to make new friends.

Then on Sunday after the conference, he sent an email to Friend kissing her butt, telling her what a great job she'd done, and also suggesting lots of stupid crap that we should do next year. He'd talked to our faculty advisor about his ideas before he emailed Friend, and he presented these ideas to Friend as if he were planning to take over the conference next year. It was very annoying and poopy. Friend forwarded to email to us (i.e. me, New Girl, and Friend 2), and we got pissed off.

Friend, Friend 2, and I went to lunch yesterday and complained about the Weasel the whole time, and then Friend decided that she as conference coordinator needed to talk to the Weasel and tell him that he was out of line and that we were pissed at him for not doing anything all weekend.

So that's what she did. She told him that she didn't like him, and that she was pissed that he hadn't done anything all weekend, and that she thought he was only involved in the conference in order to buttkiss people, etc.

She said he was very polite during the meeting. I think that's because he's had meetings like this before. We'll see if that changes anything with him. I doubt it will.

So that was one victory. The other was that I told the department chair that I wouldn't work with the Weasel on the library. She didn't bat an eye when I said that. I'm sure she's aware that he's a poophead. And that's good. Maybe they'll kick him out.

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