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Colin Firth, housework, &c.
Wensday, October 10, 2001 x 2 - 16:54

I have to read Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. In the bookstore I've read the part with the interview that she does with Colin Firth twice, once before I was in love with him, and then again today. Thanks to the weekend I spent watching Pride and Prejudice, I now totally understand her obsession, and I know what she's talking about when she mentions his wet shirt.

Today I was laughing out loud when I was reading it.



Meetings, readings, sleep. One of Mr. Pooh's friends is coming to stay with us this weekend. The guy's weird. I told Mr. Pooh that damn it he had to prepare the junk room for his guest, but I'm sure I'll have to. Which means: clear out some junk to make room for the air mattress, vacuum, charge up the mattress pump and then pump it, make the bed, get towels sheets and other stuff, put away random bras and underwear, try to hide the junk laying around, clean the bathroom and the rest of the apartment, sweep, vacuum.

Mr. Pooh always used to make me feel bad about cleaning the apartment and doing the dishes and stuff. He always used to act like he did everything and I did nothing. I felt bad. But then I said, "You can go clean the fucking toilet, Mr. Pooh." He didn't, of course, because he never cleans the toilet, which means I always have to. I do other stuff too.

It takes two to tango.

If there's something wrong in a relationship, it's rarely completely one person's fault. Of course, that person could be a psycho, and hence responsible for what's wrong. But in a relationship with two fairly normal people, if there's something wrong, they're probably both at fault a little. One person is not the "bad" one. One person may make the other person feel bad, but that person should take a look at himself or herself. Holier than thou attitudes piss me off.

Ack, I'm so mad right now.

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