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Monday, Apr. 17, 2017 - 22:23

No my manual labor yard projects are not done. I moved all those rocks into temporary homes because there's a million of them and what do you do with rocks? So eventually they're all going to have to get moved again to wherever I'm going to end up moving them.

On forgiveness: Years ago, Tim did something terrible to me, something unimaginably terrible. He apologized. I didn't believe in forgiveness - I thought "forgiveness" was just a word that people used that didn't mean anything. Years later, when we found each other again, I had all that hurt and anger stored away nicely in a box in the back of my closet, but Tim - he couldn't even look at himself in the mirror anymore. I started to wonder if "forgiveness" was more than just a polite conversational formality. I listened to Buddhist podcasts. I may or may not have written about it here. Months later, when he was leaving town, I wrote him a letter, and in it I told him I forgive him. It had taken many months to get to that point. He hadn't apologized again, we hadn't been talking about it anymore, but I had decided it was important to tell him - important for him, and important for me, because even though I thought I was okay with keeping all that shit in a box in my closet, I wasn't. Did it change anything? Maybe not, probably not, but I finally cleaned out that box and got rid of a lot of fucking mementos that made me cringe. That might be an improper mishmash of the metaphorical and the non-metaphorical, because I am actually talking about a cardboard box, but I am also actually talking about THE BOX IN MY SOUL, but whatever, I'm too tired to be typing this anymore. My whole point is that I don't disbelieve in "forgiveness" anymore. It is a thing, and I think it can be an important thing.

It goes along with what I've been thinking lately - I hope people can be patient with me and not condemn me for my mistakes, and if I want that for myself I must extend it to others as well.

I'm actually really talking about driving here. Sorry I cut you off! Don't honk! I didn't see you!

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