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Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 - 20:17

I've worked two days this week and tomorrow's already Friday! Ain't too bad, taking off two days, especially when you don't give a crap about what you're missing.

I do still feel slightly delicate but am feeling better. Had lunch with a friend and told her some things. Not only is it good to hear someone else's perspective, it's also good to just get it out. I have kept everything in a box all these years, literally and metaphorically - carried everything around with me in a box, a heavy box kept in the closet - I'd glance at it but whenever I looked at anything inside it was too painful. Now I have metaphorically as well as quite literally taken things out of the box - I've been meaning to for a couple years now but put it off and put it off. Now all my journals and notebooks are sitting out on my dresser. I have typewritten pages as well. I've thought of burning it all - metaphorically, at least. I can't imagine physically letting go - can I, ever? I don't want to, I'm not ready for that. I can't, but maybe that is what I need to do. God. Not yet. If I burn all my writing it will have never happened. Way too scary for me.

Things continue. It's a process. I don't know how many weeks into the semester we are now. No, I haven't finished grading that goddamn homework assignment. But it'll be okay.

Running a 5k on Saturday, planning to run the whole thing if my ankle cooperates. Glad to have that to look forward to. Glad to know that when I need it I have a groove ready and waiting for me to get in to.

iPhone spell checker does odd things to text.

Okay. Can't keep not doing this. Must grade now. Will get into bed to do it. Good plan!

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