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Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010 - 17:41

It's November 21. 2001 happens in just a few weeks, just six more weeks. I'll be ready, I think I'll be ready - but then I've thought I was ready ever since the beginning. Patience is something I pretend I have more than I actually do.

It's 19 out now - I expect I'll be giving weather updates for a while. It's 19 outside right now and right now they're saying that it'll be -12 degrees on Wednesday morning while I'm walking to work. I like this - it's something. Eons ago, I lived in California and sat complaining with a friend from Colorado complaining about the climate. You need inclement weather; without it, something's missing. Inclement weather is a great leveler - no one escapes it. It gives us all something in common, it gives us a sense of camaraderie, it gives us empathy. It gives us something to talk to each other about. It gives us something to write about.

I listen to the radio and read books. I found something I wrote to myself right before I moved to Seattle and I wish I'd done more of that. Dear me in five years, what are you like? Do I make you mad, am I squandering opportunities that from your vantage point are painfully obvious? I'm doing my best.

I didn't do laundry this weekend. I'm saving it up to take home with me on Thursday. Thursday I'll go home, not Wednesday. Wednesday night I'll go to a party here with some new and hilarious friends and I'll invite someone to come along - "Come to this party," I'll say, "you have friends here." If he doesn't, that'll be his loss.

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