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Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2010 - 17:29

My overtime gave me an extra, oh, thirty dollars or so in the paycheck that goes into my bank account tomorrow. And I get a whole nother paycheck in two weeks! Also with overtime! WOW.

My inclinations are turning more technical and my job is as well. I've spent the last two or three days cleaning up the code on our website and my arm hurts because of it. The site's a mess still and no one can even see all the work I'm doing. But it's getting better.

I have to go to a bookclub tonight, a bookclub full of ladyfolk I don't know. I wish now that I hadn't said I'd go. The book they read this month was stupid. I stopped reading after I got to this sentence:

Tom stood quietly by, regarding me with the eyes of someone falling down a hill made of powdered limestone.
What in the sam hell is that supposed to mean? A few pages earlier there was this sentence:
"I'm very tired," he said, dropping back onto the pallet, his eyes like two burnt coals in a blanket.
That one might be okay except that a few paragraphs earlier we'd found out that it was dark and they were talking under the covers, making it impossible to see eyes that are like burnt coals in a blanket.


Disappointed by the time change - I had been imagining that it would be light when I had to get up, but no, it's still dark.

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