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Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2005 - 18:11

1. Like, totally stressed. Busy good, Kinski tonight and Blue Scholars last night, Gala on Friday, all good, but crap man I need to sleep I need to exercise I need shoes and glue-on boobs and jewelry and a coat! Being a girl can be so complicated, there are so many details. I will have to shave at some point, I will have to figure out what to do with my hair, I hope I don't get a boingtoingous zit on my back, or anywhere else. I have to shop but when will I do that? Tonight, now, before Kinski.

2. Work, jesus, got there early yesterday and today and have to go early tomorrow and stayed late tonight and I was all freaking out this afternoon, shaky sweating and blah blah blah.

3. But this is so hilarious, my friend the boy and I are going on a business trip together apparently next week. I was laughing about this when I found out, it's hilarious.

4. And I will have to go shopping for that! A business trip! Aaahhh!

5. Christmas shopping!

6. And my credit card bill is already huge!

7. Tomorrow at lunch I think I might go buy a $75 necklace at the place I got my dress, and I might also buy another dress. It fit well and I liked it.

8. So tonight I'll go to Value Village and look for shoes and a coat. I'm going vintage you see.

9. And tomorrow after work I'll buy the glue-on bra OR WHATEVER THE FUCK IT IS.

10. And I think my friend the boy is also looking forward to this trip. It might last a few days, I'm not sure. However our boss is prone to last-minute mind-changes, so it might not happen at all, or it might happen with an entirely different cast of characters.

11. And she knows we're friends and it's just hilarious. It was actually a nice way to end the day, finding out about it.

12. Seriously though I have shit to do, fifty tons of it.

13. Including figure out how to get back home tonight.

14. Oh on myspace now Kinski and I are friends! And they sent me a message! I don't know what the point of myspace is actually but it's rad being friends with bands. I tried to befriend the Fruit Bats but :(

15. I had to quickly escape into the bathroom today at work TWICE because of minor-anxiety-attack-induced tears. I AM LAME.

16. Last night crossing fucking Aurora to get to the stupid bus was so needlessly difficult, I am so annoyed at human engineering right now.

17. I am full of myself as usual but typing it all out helps me calm down and organize and focus and I just had some cereal. Now I will try to get a FlexCar so I can go shopping.

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