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I don't feel hyper but after rereading this I think it's an unnecessarily hyper entry. Really I'm just sitting here on the floor with a full bladder waiting for the bathroom to become unoccupied.
Wednesday, Oct. 05, 2005 - 18:08

I would like to document this period in my life for all time and for all mankind, and I would like to call it Super Sleep Week. I have been sleeping so super, it's just awesome. I go to sleep at night listening to music that my friend the cute boy from work gave me, and then I wake up in the morning when my alarm goes off and my stereo is still on, which means that I fell asleep with the music on and I didn't wake up at all in the night. It's great, especially given the recurrent bouts of insomnia that I have entertained over the last couple years.

I have finished The Secret Life Of Bees and although I'd given up fiction for the rest of my natural life I've decided to take that back and instead give up all fiction except fiction that I want to read. Because of this book I had to try peanuts and Coke just now. Unfortunately there was no Coke available to me, instead there was Boylan Bottleworks Sugar Cane Cola, and the peanuts I had were honey roasted rather than just salted, and I wasn't terribly terribly impressed with peanuts and Coke but that might be because of my particular variation on the theme rather than the entire genre of peanuts and Coke. I will try the more traditional variety at a later date.

And today I filled out my paperwork at work and I'm a real employee with them (albeit a temp still, yes) but why do I feel like I've sold out, sold my soul to the devil? Also, why do I suddenly want to get hired on for real, salaried, retirement package, work my way up the ladder like my fellow clerks. Watch me! I will conquer the law! That's how I feel.

Tonight: pack! find a place to move to! email people! learn Danish!

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