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I don't know.
Saturday, Sept. 17, 2005 - 00:44

Last night: cried and cried, my nose filled all up with snot and my face got all puffy. It was so nice, actually. I hadn't done that in a couple months. And every once in a while you need a good cry.

Also, hormones/PMS.

Today: had lunch with the cute boy (as well as sat next to him all day and engaged in the usual banter) and then he left for a weekend of camping and potential surfing (cold = craziness) and so I went down to the street with him and he hugged me and got on the bus. I walked back inside the building without turning around and he probably saw that. But turning around doesn't help. He still goes away.

This evening: fed a cat, went for a totally spectacular run (it's much better without music, why haven't I ever done this before?), ate dinner, took a shower, watched a movie, and I'm tired now and going to sleep. SLEEP.

Tomorrow: I'm taking my typewriter and some CDs to the cute boy's apartment and I will set up there and type and maybe cry because that's what I wanted to do all weekend but I'm not feeling it anymore. So maybe instead I'll type.

Album of the week: Fruit Bats - Spelled in Bones     I woke up Sunday morning with a song from this album stuck in my head and I've been addicted to it ever since. Monday night I had to cease and desist from all Fruit Bats listening, I tried to quit cold turkey because it had become this crazy thing, stuck in my head, crack for my ears. But it's futile. Oh the Fruit Bats, my god I love this album. Mmm, kiss kiss.

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