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Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003 - 20:35

So here's an odd thing... Today I was sitting by the pool, reading, headphones in, and this Korean guy comes up to me and asks if he could take my picture. I'm serious! I'm not making this up. It was the weirdest thing. But what can you say? Maybe if it happens again I'll be more prepared to say no, but anyway... And I'm wondering what he was expecting, like was I supposed to stand up in all my bikini glory and put an arm around him and point one of my feet and turn my hips at a jaunty angle to the camera? Instead I remained sitting and he sat next to me and of course did the peace sign with his fingers and his friend took our picture and I really can't believe that I submitted to this. What should I have done? I'm too nice, I'm too yielding. I should have said, "Fuck off, stranger, I'm listening to Sonic Youth and reading 'Life in the Iron-Mills' and I'm not a hot Australian anyway, so leave me alone, weirdo." And so now there's some Korean who's going to have a picture of me in my swimming suit and he's going to tell his friends how rude the Australian girls are, how they don't even stand up when you get your picture taken with them.

It was so weird.

I hate this entry, so I'll write a new one on top of it.

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