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Blah blah, chaos, blah blah, oven
Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003 - 23:02

Dear diary,

The apartment is a chaotic mess and in situations like this I just don't know where to begin. It's overwhelming. I'm moving, you see, so everything is either in boxes or not in boxes. Everything is either coming or not coming or should be sold or thrown out or recycled or packed.

What this means to you, dear diary, is that this will be the last time I update you for a while--unless, of course, I update you tomorrow before I turn off this computer and pack it into boxes.

In other news, I had the Chicken Fingers or something like that at Chili's tonight and good god damn, that was the fucking greasiest plate of food I've ever seen in my life. I could feel my heart start to seize up. And I'm totally not exaggerating about that.

And in other news, there's oven cleaner at work in the oven right now, and it's supposed to have a smell that's not harsh, but I can smell it upstairs. Well. It better work. I tried using baking soda to clean the oven, and that worked pretty good, but this oven hasn't been cleaned in three years, so the only way baking soda was going to work was with a lot more elbow grease. And I don't have much of that, unfortunately.

This is not a fun entry at all. Sorry for that.

Oh, but in other news, I found my good harmonica. It's been missing for two and a half years. You should hear me playing "Oh Susanna" or "Shenandoah". I am amazing. But only on this harmonica. I have another one, and it sucks. Or, yes, I suppose I suck.

Nothing interesting. Happy Fathers Day. The end.

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