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Friday, Dec. 30, 2022 - 09:19

I was showing off and hurt my right hip flexor (the dumb one). The dumb thing about this is that I was showing off to no one other than myself - not even to my dog (though he would have been impressed by my physical abilities). So dumb.

To continue with the dumb theme here, I think my resolution for the year 2023 will be to stop playing the computer game I've been playing nearly every day for many, many minutes since the early days of the pandemic. It's dumb that I've been playing it so much, and it's dumb that I have to resolve to not play it anymore. It's just so dumb and bad - bad for my hands and bad for my eyes and bad for my productivity etc. The dumbest tiniest part of my brain is terribly addicted to it, though, and I'm sad to have to stop. I've been wavering - awww I don't have to stop playing, it's harmless! - but I know what I need to do.

I have laptops coming out of my ears right now - four. I got a new one for work and will be sending the old one back whenever they decide to ask for it back, and then yesterday I got a client laptop for the new project I'm starting next week. Today is my last day on the super stressful project I've been on since last October and I'm basking in the luxury - they cancelled our 7 a.m. meeting so I got to sleep in today. Starting next week my first meeting of the day isn't until 8:30! So luxurious.

I still haven't finished reading At Bertram's Hotel but basically, from what I understand, the deal is that diaryland is a front for some crime ring and Andrew is the racecar-driving leader of that crime ring(?). Some of us are involved in the crime ring and some of us are merely hapless chroniclers of days, innocently partaking in this nostalgic vestige of Internet 1.5 (or whatever version it was) (or is it Social Media 1.0?). One of us will get murdered, one of us is a murderer (or murderess!), one of us is Miss Marple (me), one of us is secretly the mother of another of us. More details to come as I get further into the book!

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